Six Key Leadership Principles at Amazon

Amazon is one of the largest and most successful companies in the world. At its core, Amazon believes that "leadership" has nothing to do with your role; whether the employee is an individual contributor or a manager of a large team, these leadership principles are the guiding principles for every employee and have been the …

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Why Influence is more important than Authority?

In a world of complex, sprawling organizations, authority isn’t what it used to be. Sure, you may be the boss, but your title isn’t enough to get people to do what you ask. And your command is further diluted when you work in a team, collaborate across boundaries or rely on multiple partners and stakeholders. …

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Influence vs. Authority

This is a post written by J. Matthew Becker and the link to the original post is here. “The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.” - Ken Blanchard What is your leadership style?  Do you rely on influence or authority? I’m sure that most of us have probably experienced a leader that relies …

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